Addressing the major issue of adverse drugs reactions resulting from polypharmacy
The increasing use of polypharmacy in an ageing population is a major health problem and significant burden on health care
80 million US patient take >3 drugs in a given month
851m doctor visits result in prescribing at least one drug each year (USA), currently none of these visits include a routine examination of adverse drug interactions
6.5% of all hospital admissions result from an adverse reaction on taking multiple drugs
Reducing hospital admissions by 10% can save the NHS up to £9.8m per year per 1,000 population
Our solution
At PhaSER, we are exploiting our unique 8HUM technology to develop a computer-based system which will address the issue of polypharmacy. This has enormous potential to reduce the side effects associated with multiple drugs, reduce the burden on the provision of healthcare and reduce healthcare costs.
The computational analyser (HERALD) will be made available to healthcare providers, pharmacies and the general public. It will allow individuals or their relatives to check the safety on the drugs being prescribed. This will allow drug regiments to be tailor made for each individual patient, taking into account gender differences, ethnicity and vulnerable groups.
HERALD will enable medication to be adjusted to maintain optimal drug dosage